Overview of the map system with local sounds
A virtual reality (VR) has widely used in these several years. At our laboratory, "sound", imagination sound spatial system embedded in panoramic picture has been developed. I developed it in conjunction with Chiba center museum. I developed the information system part,but the museum took charge of operation from a plan. And everyone of a lot of staff and many schoolchildren who participated in an event of museum sponsorship collected a data collection. Schoolchildren go to a suburb in Chiba-ken and a park, and this records voice of a bird, does and takes a picture of its location actually. I register with a system after I return and come. I made sure it was embedded, and that the sound one recorded can be judged from a web at the place where sound rang. Only a picture recalls its memory, but the scene of that case remembers that sound is added to the bleat of the frog which was ringing at its location in particular, the tone of the bell in a temple and voice of a bird clearly. I think this is the good place where this system is most. When you can see in 10 years later and 50 years later, it's childish time, but that case's memory and scene will be revived clearly and be to be moved in an instant.